Gerald Melling: Architect (1943 – 2012)

It was very sad to note the passing of acclaimed architect Gerald Melling just before Christmas (22 Dec ) 2012.

Gerald had been a longterm and avid advocate for local architecture, his work with Alan Morse in Melling:Morse gaining numerous accolades in recent years.

His early career in New Zealand started at the Ministry of Works in the 1960’s (briefly) where he met Alan Morse, before working for Geoff Nees on ‘Design Scape” . He was also a controversial editor for the ‘New Zealand Architect’ and worked at the Education Board.

Split Box, Coromandel by Melling:Morse

Houses such as the Pugh house (Music Box) Wellington, 1999  and ‘Split-Box’, Coromandel, and ‘Signal Box’ in Masterton have garnered impressive reviews and respect for their sensitive and economic design.

He will be sadly missed.